Sunday, March 4, 2012

It was Christmas.... and now it is March

The older you get the faster it goes... this is a very interesting phenomena. It's been some time since our last post. Life has a way of getting in the way of living - does that make sense? For example, day-in and day-out busyness, consumed by the daily routines and habits we have, tend to put us on auto pilot and before we know it, a day..., a week..., months can slip by.

Today I STOP (pause) and decide to be fully present. I will...
  • Savor the time this morning when I feed birdies - our personal flock and Beaker babies (we currently have one African Red Belly, two baby Sun Conures, two Congo African Greys, two Caiques) we are hand-raising in our nursery.

  • Worship Jesus at church - today is my day to pass out bulletins and greet folks when them come through the doors :-)

  • Thank God for my family and friends and for faith in His Son.

  • I'm not sure what else..., but what I am sure of is that today, I will not let auto pilot take over my life... and I will chose to be fully present in each moment that God blesses me with.

Life if a gift, don't waste it.

feeling rather pensive this morning

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