Friday, August 31, 2012

Second time is the charm!

Just a quick not to say, I hope you are having a great summer! Our lives have been TOO busy for words.  Since my last post - long time ago, Rosie lost her baby (after 2.5 days) and then she and Beaker  romanced once again....

So today I can say that we have another EGG. God only knows if this baby will hatch or not but I wanted to keep our follows in the loop.  We Dont know why the other baby died - hard to speculate.

What we do know is that we have another egg and we will keep our fingers crossed.  Will you join us in praying for a successful birth!

hopeful flock-leader

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Beaker & Rosie are NEW Parents!

This evening we heard peeps.... Baby Beaker peeps.... We could NOT believe our ears!  Finally after a LONG time and many clutches, Beaker and Rosie are finally parents.  Rosie has been  laying on three eggs for about 28 days now.  So today, the FIRST egg hatched.  I candled the eggs about 7-10 days ago and we knew that for sure that one of them is infertile (clear). The other two looked different so I wasn't sure if they were fertile or not.  I guess at least one was... LOL!

It wasn't always 'romance' between Beaker and Rosie
.  Although they have been living together for about a year now, they had a VERY rocky start to their relationship; now, they  live together and are new parents... it's hard to believe. Here is a short video clip I took in January 2011 called "Do NOT touch my eggs."  Enjoy...

Please pray that the baby/babies are healthy and grow as babies should with mom and dad over the next couple of weeks.

Jeremy and Elena
new birdie grandparents :-)