Sunday, December 18, 2011

A story of FATE

This post is really not mine, but one of our special customers, Willie. He can say it best in his own words. What I can say is that Jeremy and I are thrilled to have been a part of God's plan. You will see what I mean...
FATE: "December 8, 2011 was a terrible day, Logan my Yellow Nape died after 31 years together almost to the day. Needles to say the silence in my heart and in my house was deafening! Coming home and seeing an empty cage was more than I could stand. Not wanting to "recreate" my Logan, by Saturday I was researching Eclectus and in my search I found, or was led by fate to Beakers. On Dec. 11 I made the trek from Bellingham to Beakers and found Ruby a beautiful 4mo old Eclectus. Their philosophy and approach to hand raising birds in a home environment is genus, and I would encourage anyone who is looking for a parrot to give them serious consideration since you won't be disappointed!!!!! Thank you Breakers my house and my heart are once again filled! The memory of Logan is now one of love & laughter as the bond between Ruby and me grows stronger every day!"
Here are a couple of pictures of Willie and Ruby, as she is so appropriately named.

We sure cannot take credit for making this match :-)


Beaker's co-flock Leader

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