Tuesday, April 3, 2012

OUCH THAT HURTS! bird will be birds....

The unfortunate happened last night... Unfortunate YES..., uncommon, NO.

The Scenario
I put baby "Carrot Top" (Red Factor Sun Conure) on a java wood table top stand in our main bird area (picture #1) and I left the room for a few minutes... I heard "Carrot Top" call out. I found her on the floor below Gerty's
(our Greenwing) cage and she was bleeding.

We (Jeremy and I) responded quickly - we washed of the wound and determined that we needed to get her to the vet right away (after hours emergency vet). LONG STORY SHORT.... Gerty snipped at "Carrot Top" and injured a couple of her toes (cut them almost off). The vet recommended we try to save the two toes and we concurred. "Carrot Top" had emergency surgery.

I picked up "Carrot Top" from the veterinarian this morning. She looked great and the staff said that she was such a SWEET bird! (I wonder why :-). She has two splints on two of her toes (see above photo). Her mommy and daddy (Alison and Mike) visited with her today and "Carrot Top" was in good spirits and all had a great visit!

THE LESSON - bird owners, exercise due diligence in supervising your companion birds (with dogs, cats and other birds). AND, if the unfortunate happens and you have been responsible, you can rest assured knowing that birds will birds (or animals will be animals).

Beaker's co-flock leader