Saturday, February 12, 2011

Singing HAPPY TRAILS again to 2 ekkies!!!!

It's hard to say, if we are being honest, which species of parrots are our favorite to hand-raise. We specialize in the hand-raising process, so we can put any baby bird through our process and produce a sweet loving companion ready for a wonderful life with their adoptive parents - you name it - African Greys, Amazon, Conure, Cockatoo, Eclectus, Macaws and the list goes on and on. We recently sang happy trails to one of our most favorite species - ekkies.

This post is dedicated to Sinatra and Beckett, two male Solomon Island Eclectus who stole our hearts.... I wonder how many times I can say that
Here are a few pictures of Sinatra and Beckett and their new family.


Beckett as a baby

Beckett's first perch

Proud Parents - Rick, Bonnie and Beckett Scribe


Sinatra as a baby

Sinatra visiting Dylan and London (new family - siblings)

Sinatra on go-home day with his new mom, Sarah!

I must confess, I shed a tear or two (as I often do) when our babies 'fly from the nest - so to speak.' Our joy is knowing that our babies are moving on to a great life with folks who will love them through the highs and the lows (oh yes, there will be the lows) |

Wiping my tears,


Beaker's Co-flock Leader

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