Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What are Probiotics and WHY should we care?

BACK IN THE DAY, when our food was pure and untainted from chemicals, additives and the like, our guts produced all the good bacteria naturally.... so when we got stressed, our bodies were able to naturally offset any weakening of our immune system.

Well, long gone are those days. And our companion parrots have the same problem as we do with regards to dealing with stress. Even though we TRY to feed our birds an excellent diet of fruits, veggies and the like, we are feeding them foods that have often been chemically altered or fortified with vitamin this and vitamin that (because food processing has killed all the "good" bacteria).

So, we need probiotics!

What are Probiotics?

Probiotics are compounds that are comprised of naturally-occurring intestinal bacteria. They have the ability to reduce the proliferation of infectious, pathogenic gut bacteria. There is a process called competitive exclusion whereby "good" bacteria (probiotics) out-compete potentially harmful organisms in the gut. It is every important to provide our birds avian-specific probiotics for their optimal health and longevity. STRESS (good or bad) weakens the immune system, reducing our ability to resist infections in people and birds. Stress leads to many issues. The safest and most natural way to counteract the effects of stress is to add avian probiotics to our bird's diet. The benefits are MANY - helps with feather plucking, fighting infections, skin and feather conditioning... and on and on!

Here is a GREAT article
- learn more on the Value of Probiotics


Beaker's co-flock leader

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