Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sleepwalking baby Greenwing????

OMG (Oh my gosh) what more can I say - It's a startling thing to tip toe into the babies room to get them ready for a feeding and to find that one baby is missing... yes, missing!
Backgrounder - last evening Jeremy and I went to SEATAC to pick up 4 new additions - three 5-6 week old Congo African Greys (CAGs) and a baby Greenwing. After feeding everyone we tucked them into their bins nicely warmed on heating pads and turned out the light. This morning, well I only counted 3! It's a good thing the room is not too big because we found him (we believe his name will be Beaumont)...

God only knows how long baby Beaumont was out of his bed... Did he wake up and take a walk about, or did he climb out and fall to the ground? My guess is the later - It's good thing we have nice kooshy carpet. As you can well imagine Beaumont needed some snuggle time and I was happy to give it.
Aftermath - After snuggle-time with me, I went to put Beaumont back in his bin and it took him (yes, he is a BOY) about 2 seconds to make his way up the side of the large bin and sit on the lip of the bin (hatch date 6/25/2011 - 8 weeks and 3 days old today). At that age, Jeremy and I should have known that he would NOT stay put but - extend some grace please... it's early morning the day after his first midnight feeding... LOL As Jeremy fed Beaumont his morning feeding I prepared a very temporary room for him - a small step up in size until we move him into a big boy cage. Here is Beaumont settling in for a nap in his new digs.
It's always nice when a story has a good ending and we I am happy to say, the end.


Beaker's co-flock leader

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