Saturday, July 16, 2011

Loki, Sasha and Pepe's sweet song... Happy Trails!

Three baby Eclectus down and one to go. We have been having a blast hand-raising four baby Solomon Island Eclectus - 3 boys and 1 girl. The youngest of the four, Sunny, will be with us for another couple of weeks and then he will be going home to his new family in Auburn.

We sang happy trails to three of our babies in the last week - it's sad to say good yet we are hopeful that our new friends will come to visit us and bring their babies back too - we offer complimentary wing trims and nail clipping to the babies we have hand-raised.

The first to go was Loki....
His new mom and dad are Bryan and Liesel. When we met Bryan and Liesel, they were still deciding the specific species of bird they wanted... and then they met our SI Eclectus, Beaker. Sold - they decided on a baby Beaker. We usually don't run into problems finding sweet babies within our breeder network but everywhere we looked, our breeders were only producing baby girl ekkies.... We waited and waited.... and waited. Eclectus are dimorphic, meaning you can tell male from female by site. However, a breeder cannot tell sex until about three weeks of age when initial feathers start to appear on the head - green for male and red for female. We FINALLY found a baby boy and were able to bring Brian and Liesel the good news.

Here are two pictures - one of Bryan and Loki on visiting day and then a great "go home day" picture of Bryan, Liesel, and Bryan's mom. Happy family!

Then we lost two - to the SAME family...
This was a cute story, a true story, and a story that has happened more than once at Beaker's.
Kim came to meet her new baby (a male SI Eclectus). And while Kim was visiting her baby Jerry decided to hold the baby girl SI Eclectus we were hand-raising (available without an owner). Kim and her little guy (picture 1 below) and, Jerry, well he fell in love with the little girl he was holding (picture 2 of female baby). One the second visiting day, Jerry pulled us aside and found out the baby was still available so
he decided to take her off the market. LOL (it was love at first sight!).

Kim and Jerry came to visit a couple of more times and they named their babies Sasha and Pepe'. Unfortunately on "go home day" Jerry was not able to make it to Beaker's so I captured a picture of Jeremy with Kim and the two babies (picture 3) and then a picture of the two babies in their transport carrier (the last photo).

We are getting real good at singing this familiar song.... and we look forward to singing it again.... and again... and again until we lose our voices LOL.


Beaker's Co-flock Leader

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