Saturday, February 12, 2011

Singing HAPPY TRAILS again to 2 ekkies!!!!

It's hard to say, if we are being honest, which species of parrots are our favorite to hand-raise. We specialize in the hand-raising process, so we can put any baby bird through our process and produce a sweet loving companion ready for a wonderful life with their adoptive parents - you name it - African Greys, Amazon, Conure, Cockatoo, Eclectus, Macaws and the list goes on and on. We recently sang happy trails to one of our most favorite species - ekkies.

This post is dedicated to Sinatra and Beckett, two male Solomon Island Eclectus who stole our hearts.... I wonder how many times I can say that
Here are a few pictures of Sinatra and Beckett and their new family.


Beckett as a baby

Beckett's first perch

Proud Parents - Rick, Bonnie and Beckett Scribe


Sinatra as a baby

Sinatra visiting Dylan and London (new family - siblings)

Sinatra on go-home day with his new mom, Sarah!

I must confess, I shed a tear or two (as I often do) when our babies 'fly from the nest - so to speak.' Our joy is knowing that our babies are moving on to a great life with folks who will love them through the highs and the lows (oh yes, there will be the lows) |

Wiping my tears,


Beaker's Co-flock Leader

Check out our online store Rosie's

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say hello and let you know that Sinatra is doing great. He has the funniest personality. I am so glad the we chose an Eclectus for our family. We go to Jamaica sometimes for vacation so we are trying to teach him "Yeah Mon!" right now, he is almost getting it. He is such a sweetheart and so good with the kids. Hopefully we can bring him by soon.
    The Green Family
