Sunday, May 2, 2010

Is baby Greenwing a boy... or a girl? Let the credit card test decide

Yesterday, two families came to visit their babies for the first time - Lori and Greg came to meet ZuZu, their baby Eleanora Cockatoo (pictures below) and the Bianchi family came to meet their new baby - a Greeenwing Macaw (video below).

Baby Eleanora Cockatoo - ZuZu
50 days old

Now for baby GW - Many of our customers want to know the sex of their babies... and for others it doesn't matter. Jeremy heard about an 'informal' DNA sex test that has proven to be spot on for us almost 100% of the time. Check out this video of baby Greenwing - the first part is baby's arrival to the nursery followed by the family's first visit and the 'informal' DNA sex test.

If you are interested in the outcome of the test, you will need to check back for another blog posting to find out. We need to wait for enough feathers to come in (we chose feather vs blood testing) before we have the test conducted.
Enjoy the video!

Beaker's Co-flock Leader
Rosie's (online Store)

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