Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Baby Greenwing's first perch!

Another first here at Beaker's Parrot Place. We have a lot of them these days BUT I am not always able to 'catch' them as they actually happen like I did today.

Today I was lucky enough to witness our 10 week old (10 weeks and 2 days to be exact) baby Greenwing Macaw perching for the first time. [Terry and Cindy - your baby is growing up FAST]

We have a home made PVC perch with two levels and I put it in the baby's play area today because he is starting to climb the play area fence. Enjoy this short video clip of baby's momentous 'first' and, please forgive the gushing surrogate mom in the background (that would be me, LOL).

Beaker's Co-Flock Leader
AvianOutfitters.com (online store)

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