Friday, December 18, 2009

Shannon and Oliver - match made in heaven!

Oliver is a Quaker parrot and a VERY special Quaker for two reasons. The first is more obvious in that Oliver is not the typical Quaker or 'Monk' parakeet as they are sometimes referred to. You see Oliver is a hybrid blue Quaker and quite the cutie. Oliver is considered a smaller parrot - about 11-13in., mostly green and gray in color with blue under his wings. Although Oliver is smaller in size, he the possess a personality of a much larger parrot and shares all the same traits and demands. Here are some Quaker Stats.

Shannon and her mom and dad came to learn about parrots and decided a Quaker would be a great first companion for Shannon s they gave us a deposit. Soon after baby Quaker arrived in our nursery. Below you see a picture of Shannon meeting Oliver for the first time. It looks like love at first sight!

Little birds grow fast and we would have loved to have kept Oliver (as he became to be known) with us longer but when a fledgling bird is ready (fully fledged and weaned - eating on their own), it's time to transition to their forever home. Oliver went home to be with Shannon in time to start decorating for Christmas 2009. What a festive way to start a new life. Here's a picture on go-home day!

Congratulations Shannon and Oliver - a match made in heaven. Please keep in touch and since you are so close, we hope you will stop on by for a visit and a wing trimming!

Jeremy and Elena

Oliver's surrogate parents

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