Saturday, November 14, 2009

I believe in Miracles - Beaker's NEAR miss!

For those of you who have birds, you well know just how smart and crazy they can be. Well, Beaker, our male Solomon Island Eclectus, is an escape artist of sorts. On occasion he escapes through one of this food dish doors. Well, yesterday was one of those days, but this time, he ran into Rizzo, our 6-7 month old rat terrier.

It was NOT a pretty picture. I was downstairs working and heard lost of barking - what's new with two dogs, right? This time, there was something different in the persistence of Rizzo's barking. I ran upstairs into the sunroom to find Beaker's food door open and Beaker no where to be found. I cleared the two dogs out of the room and got on my hands and knees calling for Beaker, I finally saw him and my breath was sucked out of me. Beaker was hobbling towards me with his neck and chest all wet and his wing hanging out.... oh my gosh Rizzo has been toying with the bird!

It was around 4:15pm in the afternoon and I called the avian vet right away. We put Beaker in his tranport carrier and off the vet we went. Beaker was in shock. I didn't see any blood. Our drive to the vet took about 45 minutes - about 45 minutes TOO long.
  • The vet kept Beaker over night - Xray, exam, fluids, etc. - they were concerned about the shock and possible infection.
  • Well, good news!!!!! I called the vet this morning and Beaker was doing much better. No puncture wounds, very sore on the right side of his neck and wing, and the vet said we could pick him up today.... yeah!
Beaker was now at home resting.... It remains to be seen if he and Rizzo will be friendly again. All I can say is God is good ALL the time - and He is in the business of miracles.

Here's another picture of our one and only Beaker!!!

Beaker's grateful mom

1 comment:

  1. You ARE fortunate! This happened several years ago: I was on the floor playing with my very jealous cockatoo when the dog we had at that time decided to lay next to me. The Too attacked the dog, who defended himself and - long story short - ended up with a broken wing. It scared the you-know-what out of me. Ever since then, I don't even allow more than one of our parrots out to play at the same time.
